The methodology and work book of the modern strategist. Turbulent world of a company strategy is illustrated by the movement of a thousand bouncing balls. They play their dynamic role across the book and help reader to orientate in the content. In order to make the comprehensive content even more accessible, we have chosen to color-code each chapter and simplified the information in innumerable infographics. Strategy agility book is interspersed with case studies, which stand out graphically so you spot them easily when speed reading.The book is designed and printed in Prague, letter set with Eesti from Grilli type and released by the book authors in Zurich. We designed and built the promotional website. It creates a platform for the authors to organise lectures and news around. Have a look at​​​​​​​
Metodika a pracovní kniha moderního stratéga. Turbuletní svět firemní strategie je ilustrován pohybem tisíců míčků, které hrají svou dynamickou roli ve čtyřech pilířích této knihy. Aby obsáhlá publikace byla přístupnější, zvolili jsme barevné kodování každé kapitoly. Kapitoly jsou proloženy příklady z praxe, které mají svou specifickou grafickou úpravu. Celá kniha je proložena ilustracemi a nesčetnými infografikami, které dále rozvíjí design knihy. Kniha byla v komorním prostředí pokřtěna v Zurychu, odkud pochází i autoři textu a naši klienti zároveň. Je možné si ji zakoupit na tomto odkazu
Client experience working with us
Working with Ask Designers was an all-round positive experience. From the beginning on, we felt in good hands. 
We can imagine that it was not an easy task to handle three eager and opinionated co-authors with a project that is close to their hearts. But with creativity, compelling own ideas, professionalism, patience, flexibility, determination and a can-do-attitude, our project took shape. Markéta Cole managed to make our content become alive, easily accessible in to be experienced in a lively visual style – exceeding our expectations. Finally, the unique book design by Ask Designers contributes significantly to the final book we are holding in our hands. Design and content became one. 
Michael Erzinger, Lukas E. Bär, Samuel Loher

Making of/ Printing the orange signatures

Check page order

Color check

The whole book was printed in Black and Pantone 436 (grey), 1645 (orange), 632 (blue), 382 (green) and 116 (yellow)

Color check

Printed sheets ready for the binding

The book release in Zürich, Switzerland

Our female team (fLTR: Liesbeth Meyer and Markéta Cole – main designer and illustrator) surrounded by the clients (fLTR: Samuel Loher, Michael Erzinger and Lukas E. Bär)

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