The Book of 100kamžiků (Hundred moments) maps 100 years of Czech / Czechoslovak history. Every page, one year of history. Every year, one photo and one story. The publication provides two points of view – one official (red part) and the other daily life (blue part). The difference of these angles is accentuated in the book binding. There are two books with common inner cover. The continuation of the flow of history is reflected in the visually unfinished raw book binding. The client and source of photographs was the Czech News Agency. The agency celebrated together with the Czech Republic its 100th birthday. The author of the mini stories was Olga Pohl, long term collaborating textual partner of Ask designers. A great technical support was Aleš Prstek, who traveled 3,443 km and supervised the book production.
Kniha 100kamžiků mapuje stoletou historii státu. Co strana, to rok. Každý rok jedna fotka a minipříběh. Publikace vytváří dva úhly pohledu – jeden oficiální (červená část) a druhý každodenní život (modrá část). Rozdílné pohledy jsou zdůrazněny ve vazbě. Publikace se skládá ze dvou knih, které jsou propojeny společnými deskami. Pokračování historie je reflektováno ve vizuálně nedokončené a syrové vazbě. Klient a zdroj fotografií je Česká tisková agentura. Tisková kancelář slavila společně s republikou stoleté narozeniny. Ve spolupráci s Olgou Pohl jsme vytvořili textový koncept knihy. V technické produkci nám byl oporou zkušený nakladatel Aleš Prstek, který s knihami nacestoval 3 443 km, aby naše nápady proměnil do reality.

The book is protected while distribution in a cardboard cover which could be used as a bookmarks 

Book printing (Printhouse Daniel, Prague)

Color corrections (Printhouse Daniel, Prague)

Our baby is born! Olga Pohl (copywriter) and Markéta Cole (designer) celebrating the creation of the book. It was completed on the occasion of the launch of the traveling exhibition of 'Okamžiky 100letí' (Sala terrena, Valdstejn garden). Photo: Jovan Dezort (the first time this meritorious photographer took pictures on a mobile phone)

Information about the publication in the Font magazine

The modern history of the Czechoslovak state has not been created by armies. During the First World War, it was voluntary regiments of Czechoslovak Legions that fought for the idea of an independent republic. Countless resistance groups and individuals fought back against the Nazi occupation. The dreariness of normalization was opposed not only by dissidents but also by a multitude of anonymous “foot soldiers”. Looking at the Czechoslovak history from afar, we see huge milestones, significant events, a number of important figures from the world of politics, military affairs, science and art. If we take a closer look, we see a story that evolves from a sum of smaller moments through which ordinary people are those who act. The story evolves from those everyday decisions that make up the difference between narrow-mindedness and courage - between the tried and tested certainty and the step into the unknown. He who desires freedom must show fortitude. This fortitude is the force behind breakthrough creative work and grandiose entrepreneurial plans. Thanks to this fortitude, women’s emancipation has succeeded and the single-party government has ended. However, the fight for our country’s future continues. At each moment, as we decide between small-mindedness and courage, we assemble a picture of future Czech society. Each of us.
photos Josef Horázný
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